Wall Murals

Vanessa's distinctive lettering style conveys messages, provokes thought, and inspires the public. Through her vibrant wall murals, Vanessa aims to uplift spirits and celebrate local culture, often painting colloquial phrases and positive slogans.

She meticulously scales her original designs for painting, using diverse techniques and mediums, from emulsion to spray paint, chosen to suit each wall mural. As a self-proclaimed perfectionist, Vanessa leaves no detail unattended in the execution of her murals, ensuring that every stroke and line is flawlessly rendered. Her commitment to precision shines through in her work.

Beyond her artistic process, Vanessa finds immense joy in interacting with the public. Through her art, she infuses color and vibrancy into neighborhoods, and she thrives on the feedback she receives from passersby who appreciate the joy her murals bring to the area.

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